1. is pressure treated lumber safe for children and animals.?
A.yes,in the treatment process the chemicals used to prevent rot and fungi pose no threat to animals or children.once the treatment is completed and the lumber is dried the chemicals have no smell or residue.
the actual amounts of the chemical in the lumber are so minute that they pose no threat to humans or animals.one warning never burn any treated lumber,it then releases fumes that may be harmful to humans or animals.
2. why does some treated lumber look green.?
A. the green color you see is from a chemical reaction from the preservatives and the copper they use in the treating process.
3. what is the difference in treated wood and non-treated wood.?
A.non treated lumber is suseptable to rot,fungi,insects,weather.
pressure treated lumber is not .non treated lumber would need to be coated with a paint or stain alot sooner than a treated lumber would.
4. do i sand any of my picnic tables before the customer recieves them.?
A. yes, i sand all my tables and angle all the corners so that there are no sharp edges.
5. do i deliver the picnic tables.?
A. yes, i do deliver the picnic tables.delivery cost varies of course.i charge according to the distance to the customer.
6. what does custom work mean.?
A. custom work means something made or created for a specific purpose or reason. to have something custom made is to have something noone has or not too many have of that kind.i like to build items that you cant just find in a store or online.typically a custom made item is more expensive than standard due to it being specially made for a specific purpose.